A little more about me..
Well what can i say i mean im just your normal average perverse funloving egoastic pig :). I dont do much and i dont have many hobbies unless you include looking at beautiful women and chatting on the net (yes im an IRC addict and i admit it *SIGH*) as normal hobbies :) besides that i like fooling around with instruments especially guitars. In my free time i like to go rollar blading driving around looking for someone to kill :).
If what i mentioned above has intrested you in anyway feel free to find me on the msn server (irc.msn.com port 6667) in #Theatre_des_vampires #@!darktides and the channel #the_loony_bin
Or On any chatnet server (i prefer the Sf.Ca.Us.Chatnet.Org port 6667 one but you may pick any other :P) in #Friendlychat (yes itIS my room :)
Lastly i built this page NOT for premotion nor for any financial gain of any kind so feel free to just come here and relax and look around since i may be updating alot over the months.